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구석기 시대의 의의
구석기 시대는 인류가 생존 기술과 협력 능력을 기르고, 환경에 적응하며 발전해 온 과정의 출발점입니다. 불, 도구 사용, 언어와 소통, 예술적 표현 등 인류의 중요한 진보가 이 시기에 시작되었습니다.
구석기 시대의 대표적 유적지
- 한국:
- 공주 석장리 유적: 한반도 구석기 문화의 대표적 유적.
- 상원 검은모루 동굴: 초기 구석기 시대의 유물 발견.
- 세계:
- 프랑스 라스코 동굴: 생동감 넘치는 동물 벽화로 유명.
- 스페인 알타미라 동굴: 구석기인의 예술적 감각을 엿볼 수 있는 벽화.
What is the Paleolithic Age?
The Paleolithic Age is the earliest period in human history, spanning from about 2.5 million years ago to around 10,000 years ago. This period marks the time from when humans first began using tools until the advent of agriculture, characterized by a lifestyle based mainly on hunting and gathering. Here are the main features of the Paleolithic Age:
Key Characteristics
- Lifestyle
- Hunting and Gathering: People in the Paleolithic Age lived by hunting animals and gathering fruits, roots, and other natural resources.
- Prey included mammoths, deer, and bison, as well as marine life like fish and shellfish.
- Nomadic Life: They led a nomadic lifestyle, moving with the seasons to find food. This resulted in living in caves or simple shelters.
- Hunting and Gathering: People in the Paleolithic Age lived by hunting animals and gathering fruits, roots, and other natural resources.
- Tools and Technology
- Use of Stone Tools: They primarily used tools made by chipping stones. These tools were used for hunting, butchering, cutting wood, and other purposes.
- Examples: Hand axes, scrapers, spear points, etc.
- Use of Fire: Fire was used for cooking food, keeping warm, and deterring predators.
- Use of Stone Tools: They primarily used tools made by chipping stones. These tools were used for hunting, butchering, cutting wood, and other purposes.
- Social Structure
- Small Communities: They lived in small groups based on kinship (band societies), hunting and gathering collectively.
- There were no social classes, and it was likely an egalitarian society.
- Art and Culture
- Cave Paintings: Cave paintings found in places like the Lascaux Caves in France and the Altamira Cave in Spain depict animals and hunting scenes, showing their spiritual life and artistic sensibility.
- Sculptures: Artifacts from this period include small animal carvings and Venus figurines symbolizing fertility.
Phases of the Paleolithic Age
The Paleolithic Age is subdivided according to technological development and the sophistication of tools:
- Early Paleolithic
- Simple stone tool production
- Appearance of Homo erectus
- Middle Paleolithic
- More refined tools
- Activities of archaic humans such as Neanderthals
- Late Paleolithic
- Emergence of modern humans (Homo sapiens)
- Development of complex tools and cave art
Significance of the Paleolithic Age
The Paleolithic Age marks the starting point of human development in survival techniques, cooperation, and adaptation to the environment. Key advancements such as the use of fire, tools, language and communication, and artistic expression began in this period.
Representative Sites of the Paleolithic Age
- Seokjang-ri Site, Gongju: A representative site of Paleolithic culture on the Korean Peninsula.
- Sangwon Jeommal Cave: Discovery of early Paleolithic artifacts.
- Lascaux Caves, France: Famous for vivid animal paintings.
- Altamira Cave, Spain: Known for the artistic sensibility of Paleolithic people.
- 生活方式
- 狩猎和采集:旧石器时代的人类通过狩猎动物和采集水果、根茎等自然资源生活。
- 猎物包括猛犸象、鹿、野牛以及鱼类和贝类等海洋生物。
- 游牧生活:他们过着游牧生活,随季节迁徙寻找食物。因此,他们住在洞穴或简单的棚屋中。
- 狩猎和采集:旧石器时代的人类通过狩猎动物和采集水果、根茎等自然资源生活。
- 工具和技术
- 使用石器:他们主要使用打制石器。这些工具用于狩猎、屠宰、砍伐木材等各种目的。
- 例子:手斧、刮削器、矛头等。
- 使用火:火被用于烹饪食物、取暖和驱赶掠食者。
- 使用石器:他们主要使用打制石器。这些工具用于狩猎、屠宰、砍伐木材等各种目的。
- 社会结构
- 小规模社区:他们生活在以亲缘关系为基础的小群体(部落社会)中,共同狩猎和采集。
- 没有社会阶级,可能是一个平等的社会。
- 艺术和文化
- 洞穴壁画:在法国的拉斯科洞穴和西班牙的阿尔塔米拉洞穴发现的壁画描绘了动物和狩猎场景,展示了他们的精神生活和艺术感知。
- 雕刻品:这一时期的文物还包括小型动物雕刻和象征丰收的维纳斯雕像。
- 早期旧石器时代
- 制作简单的石器
- 直立人出现
- 中期旧石器时代
- 制作更加精细的工具
- 尼安德特人等原始人类的活动
- 晚期旧石器时代
- 现代人类(智人)出现
- 复杂工具和洞穴壁画的发展
- 公州石匠里遗址:韩国半岛旧石器文化的代表遗址。
- 上元剑沫洞穴:发现了早期旧石器时代的文物。
- 法国拉斯科洞穴:以生动的动物壁画而闻名。
- 西班牙阿尔塔米拉洞穴:以旧石器时代人类的艺术感知而闻名。